Well there's still snow on the ground, but the temperatures have warmed enough that I don't freeze my patootie off when I go to the barn. It has been three months that the horses and I have had off from riding and so it is time to swing a leg over again.
I decided Saturday would be the day. While I'm sure Pony would have been her Perfect Princess Self, I decided to be wise and let her stretch her legs in the arena first with some free lunging for a couple minutes. Then I put on the surcingle and bridle and did a bit of ground driving. She seemed to have her brains about her so I tacked her up and did our usual ground work exercises first and then got on.
And, well, she was perfect. We didn't do much, as we haven't ridden much and I want to leg her up carefully (and since there still snow and ice on the ground, I won't be riding her outside for a while), so just a little walk and trot for 15 minutes or so and then called it a day.
I had ordered some MDC stirrups back in the fall. I was willing to try anything to help my hip and since Riding Warehouse has a 1-year free return policy I had nothing to lose. But I haven't put them on my saddle or tried them until Saturday. I rode Saturday and Sunday and they didn't cause me any problems. So fingers crossed that they work for me and allow me to ride pain-free.
I did get a hip injection maybe 6 weeks ago (for the bursa, not intra-articular) and while that hurt a bit at first, I did get some relief from it. I do think part of the problem might be my foot. I'm going to see a different orthopedic surgeon soon. And if he can't come up with any answers, then, well, I'm on my own I guess. But I'm feeling a lot better, so I'm hopeful.
Yesterday's ride was better than Saturday's. Pony was light and responsive and she felt really good. I'm so looking forward to getting back in the groove with lessons again! I'd like to do some showing this year - both dressage and h/j - so I need to get a regular program going again.
Looking forward to spring, that's for sure!